Cancer Kick-A-Thon!

Cancer Kick-A-Thon!

There’s a huge author book signing complete with band entertainment, a bake sale, and fun events at Memorial Park in Provo on August 18th from 10:00-4:00 in order to fund raise for Margaret Turley’s daughter who is battling brain cancer. Awesome authors like Karen Hoover, author of the Wolf Child Saga, Kathy Atwood of Maybe It’s a Zebra, Margaret Turley of Save the Child, Deirdra Eden, Chaplain Michael Benedict of Twilight is Dawning: Anthology of the Later Years, and Paulette Inman will be there. I’ll be bringing a bunch of books and I’ll have my pen primed for the signing! It’s a free event for the family, a fund raiser to fight cancer, and a place where everyone can visit, have a good time, and support the Turley family.

I am so happy that I was invited to participate in this event. Writing for me has always been a labor of love to touch people the way other authors have impacted my life. Reading gave me an escape, adventure, and the chance to broaden my horizons without even leaving my reading tree (when I was younger- now I would end up with sticky sap and leaves in my hair, and I would probably fall out and break a leg….I’ll read about reading in a tree, haha) The chance to attend a book signing and fund raise to fight cancer is such a great opportunity and I’m honored to attend!

We have a family band called ‘Myree and the Meeps’. My daughter, Myree, is the lead singing, my husband Michael plays the guitar and sings back-up vocals, my brother-in-law Bret is our drummer, and I play the bass guitar. It’s so much fun to jam in our basement as a family, and we’ve made some wonderful memories doing it. I’m excited that we are going to play at the kick-a-thon and I hope we can help the Turleys raise money for their daughter and create memories to last a lifetime.

If you want more information on the kick-a-thon, please go to:

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