Of Dreams and Type-o’s

Of Dreams and Type-o’s

A dream of mine is coming true. I grew up in a small town and the high school library was my favorite place to be. I read every book that caught my interest (which was pretty much every book in the library). I escaped through books and went on countless adventures, fell in love with a million heroes, and found my true passion- writing. Now, I am taking signed copies of my own books to my high school library.

It feels like a complete circle, like I have finally come around to the point where I began, yet I am in such a different place than I was before. Life is so incredibly amazing. I could never have imagined it going so well, and it keeps getting better. The ability to reach my dreams and the support I have had in my writing career is breathtaking. Thank you Delta High School for my education, for inspiring me to write, and for being there when I published my first books. Thank you to the countless teachers who believed in me and helped me reach my goals. Most of all, thank you to my family who never laughed at my ideas and who were patient with the moments of writing time that I stole during trips to the park, play time, and after bedtime.

In this same line of thought, I have also had an editor go through all of my books and catch the type-o’s that snuck by no matter how many millions of times I read the pages. It’s amazing how everything can look right, then I get the list back and realize a million and one was necessary. I apologize for any errors, and I have fixed them in all formats of the books. Thank you to my patient readers who can overlook such things and love my writing anyway. I love you and thank you for allowing me to live my dreams. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Oh, and if you find a type-o and it’s driving you crazy, feel free to shoot me an email. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s insanity! Thanks again for everything, and happy reading!

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