Thief Prince, New Books, and Pasta

Thief Prince, New Books, and Pasta

For me, releasing a new book is like serving a big dish of pasta that you have worked hours on. Everyone starts with the same ingredients, water, dried noodles, and sauce. But it’s the details that make pasta so great. Do you keep it simple and let the flavor of the original ingredients fulfill the life of your story, or do you zest it up with parsley, salt, pepper, oregano, adding poetry to the prose and creating something that is a masterpiece to read along with a driving storyline?

My hope with Thief Prince is that it falls somewhere in the middle, not overly seasoned, but with that hint of something special that makes it stand out. Thief Prince was a driving story to me, one that practically wrote itself through my fingertips. It was one of the first I sent out to publishers, and hence one of my first rejections that eventually brought me to the wonderful place I am today.

I love self-publishing and the avenues that are open to me, but at the same time it is more scary because I don’t have the editors, agents, publishers, beta readers, and critics to let me know how the book is going to be received when it leaves my computer. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that somehwere it rings true to someone. In the beginning I wrote it for myself, and the greatest thing I can hope for is that it finds an answering peal in someone else’s heart.

So grab a fork and a napkin, and enjoy!

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