Final Touches

Final Touches

It’s exciting to see my books come together, to see the covers be made with the images I’ve chosen, images far better than I thought I would be able to find, and to feel like this is really going to happen. I am so excited for my books to get out there, for my words to be able to give light to other lives the way so many authors have done for me.

Writing has been such an exciting journey. From when I was small, I’ve always written stories and hoped others could enjoy them. To be so close, and to have the unknown before me with unlimited possibilities, is breathtaking. I stand at an edge, looking over and wondering what kind of wings my books will take, how many lives my words will touch, and hoping that they will reach far and wide. My books are ready. Now is the time to believe in them, take a breath, and shove them from the nest knowing that they’ve been born to fly and with a little push can take wing.

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