Getting Ready

Getting Ready

Today I finished the final edits on Silver.  Galdoni and Shadows are both ready to go, and my husband is currently reading through Black for any glaring errors.  My goal is to have all four books done and ready to publish within the next two weeks, and that includes the covers.  The covers are proving a bit difficult, as I don’t tend to do well with design, but I have a lot of input from my family and some very good sources in the area, so I’m hoping to put these next two weeks to good use!

Publishing these books is a dream come true.  I’ve longed to be published since I was a little girl reading ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, and I realized that I could touch others through written word.  I longed to give others the same escape I felt when going on adventures through another’s words, and having that ability at my fingertips now seems almost too good to be true.  I greatly look forward to the progress these next two weeks will bring, and anxiously await the release of my books online.

I’m crossing my fingers, working hard, and hoping to offer my stories to others that they can laugh, cry, and have their hearts lifted with my characters, and hopefully enjoy worlds similar enough to our own that they can feel the light, smell the lingering rain, and glow with the triumph and growth of my friends in the pages.

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